The MSP industry is constantly changing and demands that MSPs are forever adapting too. The common belief is that MSPs should be fluid and cater to multiple industries and clients. After all, putting the eggs into one basket is something that should be avoided. But in the cast of an MSP, should that happen? Are … Read more
Due to the everchanging IT landscape, the risks of liability are changing to be complicated and problematic for MSPs to manage. As a result of this change – and data becoming more pervasive – MSPs are looking for liability insurance policies in order to protect their businesses should anything go wrong. However the world of … Read more
In the IT world, tech certifications are essentially your chip in the game. The more chips, or tech certifications, you earn, the stronger and more rounded your skillset becomes, making you more in demand to those looking to hire. “Tech certificates are as important to getting you started on your career as they are once … Read more
No matter how passionate a business owner might be or successful it is at supporting its customers, there may come a time in the lifecycle of a business that the business owner may look to sell. This transition is happening more and more in the managed services provider (MSP) world. In 2021, more than 718 … Read more
As an IT professional, you have good reason to worry about Ransomware attacks. They don’t discriminate, victimizing organizations of all kinds – public and private, and in every industry. If you don’t already know a victim, you probably will. Cognyte research indicates that there were as many ransomware attacks in the first half of 2021, … Read more