The MSP industry is constantly changing and demands that MSPs are forever adapting too. The common belief is that MSPs should be fluid and cater to multiple industries and clients. After all, putting the eggs into one basket is something that should be avoided. But in the cast of an MSP, should that happen? Are … Read more
Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are a one stop business as they provide a wide range of services that assist companies all across the business spectrum. They are a welcome addition to any team as they can cover a lot of the background work and keep businesses safe against malicious attacks. But while they do provide … Read more
In the MSP industry, it’s wise to consider your customers privacy and security. We emphasize how important it is to have a backup and recovery strategy in place, and spend considerable time building that plan. Interestingly, many MSP owners get into the pitfall of forgetting about themselves and their own systems. It’s understandable, considering they’re … Read more
One of the essential features IT specialists and MSPs should provide is the protection of their clients’ endpoints. As simple as that sounds to users, it’s not always clear to people what sort of measures are appropriate or what kind of protection is needed. In order to get a better understanding, here is a general … Read more
Cyberspace is constantly evolving and one of the hot topics these days is the Metaverse, which many see as eventually being the next incarnation of the Internet. The Metaverse is essentially a virtual world that promises to connect countless digital spaces where users can interact in real time. The Metaverse brings together augmented reality and … Read more
Like many companies today, those in the health care sector are concerned about managing cybersecurity risks. There are a number of actions you can take to improve your risk awareness and cybersecurity. Start with a strategy What are the threats to your digital assets? As an organization, you’ll need to determine what your cybersecurity priorities … Read more
As an IT professional, you have good reason to worry about Ransomware attacks. They don’t discriminate, victimizing organizations of all kinds – public and private, and in every industry. If you don’t already know a victim, you probably will. Cognyte research indicates that there were as many ransomware attacks in the first half of 2021, … Read more
Cyber attacks don’t just happen to the big players like governments and multi-national corporations. Small- and mid-sized businesses are also vulnerable to cyber threats. And sadly, these smaller companies usually have fewer resources and less defences available to them. Cybercrime is big business, and these criminals often target mid-sized businesses as they assume they do … Read more